A boring week and writer's block = lazy post that I stole from 3 other people...
1. What time did you get up this morning? 11:15... I have a cold and no job
2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearl necklace
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Walk the Line
4. What’s your favorite TV show? Rescue Me, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Deadwood, Dirty Jobs
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Two cups of coffee and a cigarette
6. What’s your favorite cuisine? Mexican
7. What foods do you dislike? Anything Green
8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Cool Ranch
9. What’s your favorite CD at the moment? Been listening to a lot of Dylan on the MP3
10. What kind of car do you drive? Toyota
11. Favorite sandwich? Chicken cutlet, fresh Mozzarella on focaccia
12. What characteristics do you despise? Disloyal, selfish people.
13. What is your favorite clothing? T-shirt and jeans.
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation? Paris
15. What color is your bathroom? I honestly have no idea....Girlfriend painted it and I have other things on my mind in there other than the color of the walls.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Cotton
17. Where would you retire to? My kid's basement
18. Favorite time of the day? When the mail comes. I still hope for something cool to show up!
19. What was your most memorable birthday? 17 was cool...bought my first bong and then had it thrown out by my friend's mother as she yelled "I found a water pipe in the basement" I was thinking "where else would you find one" and then realized my bong was headed to its' grave.
20. Where were you born? Jersey
21. Favorite sport to watch? Live--Basketball, On TV-Baseball
22. What fabric detergent do you use? Ask my girlfriend
23. Were you named after anyone? Mr. Annoyed
24. Do you wish on stars? Uh... no
25. When did you last cry? When the Fresh Prince's father left without him for his road trip... That Will Smith gets me every time.
26. Do you like your handwriting? SuRe I DOOO
27. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I hope not, I have enough friends.
28. Are you a daredevil? I once ate a box of twinkees...does that count?
29. Do looks matter? Of course
30. How do you release anger? My blog.... YOU FUCKING IDIOT!
31. Where is your second home? Still working on my first
32. What were your favorite toys as a child? Star Wars, He Man, Transformers and did I mention Star Wars?
33. What class in High School was totally useless? To quote Bruce Springsteen "We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school" ..... Pretty much sums them all up!
34. Favorite Movie(s)? Goodfellas, Almost Famous, High Fidelity, The Goonies
35. What are your nicknames? "Asshole" seems to be a popular one.... And "Nascar Man" as I'm known to Rusty
36. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Never
37. Do you think that you are strong? If you consider being able to bench HALF my body weight strong?.. then HELL YES! I'm strong.
38. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry's "Marsha, Marsha, Marshmallow"
39. What are your favorite colors? Black and Green
40. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I'm unemployed
41. What do you miss the most? My money lost to bad beats while playing poker.
42. What color pants are you wearing? Who said I was wearing pants?
43. What are you listening to right now? My cat getting into something he shouldn't.
44. Last thing you ate? A well done Turkey Burger....Thanks Babe!
45. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be? fuzzy wuzzy brown
46. Last person you talked to on the phone? My girlfriend
47. Favorite Drink? Iced tea....Or Vodka
48. Do you wear contacts? Nope
49. Favorite Day of the Year? Christmas has been good to me.
50. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Don't all scary movies have happy endings?
51. Summer or winter? Spring
52. Hugs OR Kisses? No Soap, Radio
53.What is Your Favorite Dessert? Funnel Cake....Thanks A.S.S.!
54. What Book(s) are you reading? "Love All The People" - Bill Hicks, "Supersystem 2" - Doyle Brunson
55. Favorite Smells? Fresh coffee or fresh bread
56. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles
57. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home? L.A.