"Protecting the Children"
Politicians like John, "look at me", McCain like to throw this phrase around a lot!
Whenever they need to look likeable they just say "Protect the children"
Excuse me senator, but go fuck yourself! Who put you in charge of the country's children in the first place? If I had kids I sure as hell wouldn't want you looking out for them. You see, you're a hypocrite. And if there's one thing I hate more than a politician it's a hypocritical politician.
Take for example the whole "Steroids in Baseball" thing.
Now, I'm not going to get into the fact that I could give a shit less if the players are juiced or not. Or the fact that most fans didn't really give a shit either. Or the "sanctity of the game" which is a complete load of shit!
What I will get into is that John McCain sat there and actually said the reason they were holding these hearings was "to protect the children"
Really? It looked like a whole lot of posturing for an '08 presidential run to me.
The fact is, steroids kill about....ZERO people a year when used correctly. Granted kids SHOULD NOT be using them. However, and this is the hypocritical part, tobacco kills upwards of 500,ooo fuckers every year in this country. Yet, congress is yet to call the owners of "Red Man" in front of it to testify about what their product is doing to the children of the WORLD!
Or the fact that thousands of kids start using chewing tobacco to be more like their favorite baseball players.
I suppose that big tobacco donates more money to political campaigns than Balco does, huh?
See, that's all I want from my politicians....Consistency. That's it! I don't expect much in the first place and that's the least I could get!
So, Mr. McCain, if you want my vote you are going to have to earn it with some real action and not these dog and pony shows you have been running.
And to Congress, who's next big issue is the "College Football, BCS System" ( I kid you not) find something better to do with our tax dollars.
You really want to protect our children? Start with impeaching the President!