Wednesday, December 14, 2005

An Open letter to George Carlin

Dear George,

Upon viewing your latest HBO special, "Life is Worth Losing" I have a simple request for you.....

Please be funny again. Please?

George, your a genius. The greatest stand up of all time. However, where as you used to be funny and biting, these days you just bite.

Your just angry these days. Bitter and angry. I can understand at 70+ you've seen enough to get you good and pissed but can't you try and mix in a joke or two?

I would hate for you to die like Richard did this week and have your last piece of work be this last HBO special.

Bring back the play on words, the witty observations, the dead on social commentary. Drop the hate!

These days you remind me of the old man across the street who yells at me every time I park too close to his driveway! I HATE that old man.

But I love you George and just want my all-time favorite comedian to do what's he's always done best.

Make me laugh.

Thanks in advance,



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