This is the year I was going to start eating right and exercising. Well, 9,000 calories a day later, I'm heavier than I've ever been. I'm still far from being a complete fat bastard but I can see the future and it looks dim in my massive shadow.
I belong to a gym.... Doesn't everyone? I got smart last year and joined one for $15 a month. At least I can say "I belong to a gym" and not be going broke paying for the line of shit. Guilt is lessened by the size of the bill sometimes.
Resolution # 3 
I was going to become a Republican this year. After all, liberals are so
wimpy and full of it. In my 30 years thinking liberal nothing has changed for the better. NOTHING!
However, until the Republicans get their shit together and kick the Christian Conservatives out of their party I will be forever pulling the lever on the left. The Christian Right has ruined the Republican party and in turn have done more damage to this country than any terrorist could do with 30 planes.
Yeah, I said it.... deal with it.
Conservatives preach limited spending, staying out of people's personal affairs, and empowering people without government interference.
Those are ideas I can get behind. Ideas I WANT to get behind.
However, the MINORITY that is the Christian Right has made people's personal lives the entire focus of debate. They want to tell a woman what she can do with her body and they want to tell gay people that the way they were born is a "life style choice" and that it's wrong.

Note to the
Republicans..... If you want to NEVER lose another election find moderate Republicans to run. Support a women's right to choose and a man's right to put his dick anywhere he wants when he's with a consenting adult. Kick the Christian Right out and force them to start their own political party. Most Americans, men and women, would vote for the republican ideal if you actually start representing it!
Resolution #4

This was the year I was going to accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.
After, all I was told around
Christmas time that failure to do so would cause me to go to hell when I die.
Well, I changed my mind.
First of all expecting Jesus to be your "Personal" anything is
presumptuous. Jesus doesn't have time to deal with
everyone's personal shit. That's why it's your PERSONAL shit! Keep it to yourself!
Jesus doesn't need to know you're sorry for staring at your neighbor's daughter and thinking dirty thoughts. You're sorry? Fine! Move on and get past it.... Jesus doesn't care. He's a guy so he gets it! He's been there and now he's in Heaven.
There is room for your ass too!
Second, not only does he NOT have to time to be your "personal" Lord he certainly doesn't have time to "save" you as well. Save yourself!
Most of these "born again" assholes did worse things, in one 10 year stretch, than ten people combined could cram into a single lifetime. You really think "accepting Jesus" gets you a free pass over someone who
hasn't blown a guy in a
crackhouse bathroom while having
withdrawals from the
heroin they robbed their
grandmother to buy?
Get over yourself, you self-
righteous prick! If Heaven lets you in and keeps people like me out then there's something wrong with the whole system!
Resolution #5
This was the year I was going to start watching shows like The Apprentice, Survivor, and American Idol.
Then I remembered the same people that watch these shows turned their backs on Deadwood, Homicide and Arrested Development.... and ignore shows like The Shield and Rescue Me.
I'll stick with my DVDs again this year and hope the rest of America wakes up to good storytelling and acting. Then again, forget them! Their on their own.
When your idea of a 'reality' features Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson judging "talent" or a group of pretentious women backstabbing each other for the right to marry some rich dick, or worse yet, Flavor Flav.... then you are beyond saving. And certainly beyond actually speaking to!
Resolution #6
This is more of a promise.... one I intend to keep.
I promise that I will be brutally honest on this blog this year. I spent last year censoring myself quite a bit. See, I'm fond of all of my readers. I appreciate you all. However, I actually haven't written stuff I knew would "hurt" some of you. After the Rusty, Nascar thing I started to be more aware of what I wrote and it's affect on people.
Some would argue that was a good thing and maybe it was but I can't do that anymore.
So, if I offend anyone, it isn't on purpose..... Just being me. You can choose not to read. However, I hope you opt for the alternative and fire back at me. Hit me with your best shot and let's engage in some actual debate this year. Not name calling and insults but some good ole' honest, intelligent debate!
Life's too short to keep it to yourself.
I hope you join me in the coming year for the discussion.