Anyone Got A Match?

I suppose this week was the latest time because of Dr. King's birthday.
Every time this issue comes up I have to watch as some Southerner explains why the flag "means something" to them. See, this is where the issue lays.... With the fact that this rag actually carries meaning and causes a swelling of pride among some mutants in the South.
Here's a few things I know about this thing....
1. It was the flag of the Confederate Army.... You know, the one that LOST the war!
2. It represents slave owning people that had no respect for the true vision of America.
3. Those same people STILL have zero respect for what America's vision should be.
4. It was on top of the General Lee (The Dukes of Hazzard's car)
5. Larry the Cable Guy wears a hat with a patch of the thing on it.
I say, let it burn!
For no other reason than #5.

In fact, if you could burn it while the hat was still on his head that would be great!
Anyone who calls this a "pride" issue is an asshole. It's a racist issue that racist people care about. Sorta like slavery was before we kicked the asses of the scumbags swearing allegiance to this thing.
You want your own flag? Fine! Move to a remote island, enslave anyone living there and fly the Confederate Flag proudly! You can elect Larry the Cable Guy president and live happily ever after while banging your sister to the end of time.
Otherwise, take that rag down and get used to the fact you LOST the war. Defending a flag I wouldn't use to wipe my ass can't change that fact!
Why? Why Larry the Cable Guy? I hate him so much. Now, I'm going to think about how much I hate him. They could burn the flag on his hat with him wearing it while I scream in his ear, "Get 'er done" until the gas in his head from his disolving brain ignites and explodes.
I have a #6 for you.
Two words:
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The confederate flag is a part of History, but that doesn't mean it holds any value anymore, or deserves to be respected like the American Flag. Hell, Hilter is a part of History and we all should never forget the holocost. As we should never forget the civil war. A war that stood for freedom and the rights of those people who came to this country, whether they came willingly or as slaves. The conferdate flag can be shown, displayed and remembered, but I don't ever think it should be viewed as anything other than a part of our history.
I agree 100% that it should be remembered and displayed in a museum.
My problem is these assholes in North Carolina that claim it should be flown side by side with the American flag.
That it's a matter of pride.
I'm all for remembering history.... Especially the bad part of it. However, I'm not for rubbing it people's faces.
Which seems to be the case for descendents of slavery when they have to view this rag waving in full "Glory" at the S.C. statehouse and until a few years ago at the state COURT.... you know, for all the "justice" it could represent.
i am with dim *spitting my tobacco juice** FREEEE BIRD!
As a reasonable American man living in the south I see this piece of shit flag all the time. There is a huge one hanging from some government building that I drive by all the time. It offends me every time and makes me want to move out of this g-dforsaken place.
I don't know Larry the cable guy but when I lived in NC it was the trucks with gun racks driven by big white guys named Bubba. The confederate flag makes them feel important...even if it is 150 too late.
You're giving these uneducated people a lot of credit in thinking that they actually know what it represents.
Y - I was just thinking that! But Annoyed, I agree. Let's send them off to a remote island where they can guzzle Miller Lite and have sex with their relatives.
If I lived in the South I'd probably be shot because I'd be the one with a Burning of the Confederate Flag display in my front yard.
I've gotta say for some reason it doesn't bother me all that much. W/E I guess I just don't care enough about a bunch of red neck, Bush supporting, gun loving, sister thumping, grit eating assholes to think about it.
I agree, it's time to take it down. Past time, in fact. But I doubt it will happen any time soon.
Larry the Cableguy is just too funny.
I'm sure that people fly the flag for a variety of reasons. I see a lot of flags from other countries being flown in the U.S. too. In fact, I can think of two homes I know, one that flies the German flag and the other, the Italian flag right under the American flag. Should these flags be burned too?
Not sure I understand your logic there.
Maybe it's a bad analogy...
Try this one...
You live in Germany and someone is flying the Nazi flag. They call it "historical pride..."
You think that's okay too?
The Confederate flag, while a historical artifact, has no place in everyday society in this country. It represents an ugly time in America... one that shouldn't be forgotten but has no need to be shoved in people's faces either.
Comparing that to a neighbor waving the flag of their homeland is silly at best.
The Confederate flag isn't a flag of any living persons homeland. Just racist assholes hanging onto a "better way of thinking"
Gotcha. Yeah, that was a bad analogy. Anyway, I guess the point is that if people want to fly Confederate flags, they can. Do we have to like it or agree, nope. Should the Ten Commandments be allowed to be displayed? Certainly. Do you have to like it? Nope. Can someone burn crosses in their yard? Sure, it's not against the law. Do I like that or is it illegal? Nope. I find it funny that many liberals are all for free speech, but then complain when someone is exercising THEIR freedom by flying a silly flag. Does that make more sense?
Where do I say that someone can't hang one in their yard?
It doesn't belong on state buildings. Ones paid for with public money. Many of that public are direct desendents of slavery and certainly the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Waving that flag on public building, especially the fucking courthouse!, is a slap in the face.
I feel the excact same way about the ten commandments and a picture of mickey mouse for that matter.
If you want to display it on your front lawn then knock yourself out. However, keep it off public property.
It's not a "liberal" issue. It's a constintutional one... Then again the liberals are the ones that freed the slaves in the first place and fought black people and a woman's right to vote.... so maybe it is a liberal issue.... Not sure that is a bad thing in this case.
The cross analogy isn't bad except for this...
Does anyone actually burn one on their OWN lawn? No, they burn it on someone elses as a form of terrorism. The same sort of horror that cross represents for black people is the same mentality that flag does.
It's American history. The truly ugly side of it. Anyone taking "pride" in it is a racist hillbilly and need the Ten Commandments dropped on their fucking heads.
I'm ashamed to admit that I think Larry the Cable Guy is funny.
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