Folding to King George
I work a lot of LONG hours. Sometimes 17 or 18 hour days back to back. I come home at four in the morning and want to unwind before going to bed. I can't really watch TV because it disturbs the woman I sleep next to. I prefer to sit down, check my email and play a little online poker.
I put up my $5 or $10 and play for an hour. I lose about $50 every 6-8 weeks and this is my hobby. Something I enjoy doing to kill a little time. I'm not hurting anyone and I can afford my loses.
That was until this last week when the cocksucker we call President decided to pass a fucking law that no longer allows me to do so! He attached it to a port security bill. (A bill that is about five years overdue....but that's a different post)
So I can no longer sit down with my friends and play a low stakes game of poker on line.
This is so far beyond fucking dumb it's actually a new level of stupidity... Even for THIS President.
To show how stupid this is, here is a list of things I can do legally right now.
1. I can buy cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff and other cancer causing products that will harm you via second hand smoke and insurance premium hikes when I wind up in the hospital someday.
2. I can buy an assault riffle! I can buy bullets for that gun! I wonder if those girls in Amish country would have said yes to guns and no to online poker?
3. I can buy any and all sorts of beer and Vodka. I can then drink that and drive head on into a family of four!
4. I can join NAMBLA! AKA, "North American Man/Boy Love Association" This is group that preaches "love" between grown men and young boys. I can go to their website and legally sign up for their news bulletin!
5. I can get a shotgun, load it with bird pellet, and shot my good friend in the face! Because I want to be Vice President someday!
However, I can not play online poker!
What the fuck?
Bush won't comment on this part of the bill. He chooses only to dwell on the port security issues. With the elections coming it's business as usual for these assholes. "Let's scare the shit out of people so they vote for us! Oh, and don't mention the fact we ignored the port security thing since 9/11.... Terrorism, BOO!"
"Oh, and I head Osama likes to ante up online so we need to shut that down too"
Eventually, Bush will come out and say he did this to "protect the children"
Maybe he should have legalized it, taxed it and used to money to clean up the air quality in this country. We could have used it to get power plants to upgrade their filters and sweepers to EPA recommended levels.
Check this article out....
It's legal for these companies to poison our children. But I can't sit in my underwear, in the privacy of my own home, and play online poker.
There's something seriously wrong with our priorities in this country folks.