Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Guns Don't Kill People

To recap....

You can not say "Nappy headed ho" on radio because that may offend people. However, you can buy a gun on a Friday and then kill 32 people the following Monday. I'm glad we have our priorities straight in this country. Thank God Imus is forever out of our lives while semi-automatic weapons are still part of them.

Listen, I'm not some "Ban the guns" liberal. I think the right to bear arms is a basic right guaranteed to all Americans by the founding fathers of this country. However, our forefathers had muskets. They also had the foresight to make the constitution amendable. If Thomas Jefferson was starring down the barrel of a glock I'm not so sure he would have just blindly signed off on the issue.

People need to get serious and realize semi-automatic weapons need to be outlawed for use by private citizens. The argument you need a semi-automatic weapon to defend your home is complete nonsense! There's nothing one of those weapons will protect you from that this can't.

And this can't fire hundreds of rounds per minute.

People have the right to protect their homes, loved ones, and personal property. They shouldn't have the right to walk into a gun shop on a Friday and buy a gun with, no waiting period, and endless amounts of ammo for that gun. Or better yet, at many gun shows every weekend, just walk in and walk out with any gun you want!

"There are background checks in place"

Yeah, well, ask those families in West Virginia today how effective those are.

Then again, maybe Chris Rock had it right. Maybe the answer isn't "gun control."

Maybe the answer is a whole lot simpler.

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Blogger Jenny G said...

I agree with you, but gun control laws won't help stop crimes in which guns that are obtained illegally are used. If someone wants a semi-automatic, he'll find a way. I wasn't aware that the gunman just bought his gun on Friday but I figured he had this well planned out if he had enough ammo to kill that many people. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself; don't take the lives of innocent people.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Gina Thompson said...

I didn't want to be the first to respond -- because I agree with you. I was hoping to meet some opposition in the comment section. But what you say makes too much sense -- maybe there's no one out there who will argue. (Except any of all members of the NRA.)

3:05 PM  
Blogger Victoria Williams said...

Good argument. And I've seen that Chris Rock video; it's great, thanks!

3:46 PM  
Blogger Potsie said...

I apologize for playing the Devil's Advocate, but do you not think that by disarming the population may even entice criminals more because the only opposition to them would be law enforcement?

11:45 AM  
Blogger Mr. A said...


You never have to say your sorry for voicing a disenting point of view!

If you reread what I wrote, I never said to disarm anyone. That shotgun I pictured would do more to discourage a break in than a hand gun. From 10 feet in I don't think you could find anyone willing to take their chances against a shotgun. A handgun is a much different story. I've had cops tell me that handguns are very easy to miss with. Especially from close.

In public I suppose it's a different story. However, if you let the prisoners that are in jail for silly things like drug possesion out and made mandatory sentecing for anyone caught carrying a gun that would serve as the same deterant in my opinion.

The fact is, criminals are going to operate no matter how many guns are out there. If more guns = safer living the United States would be the safest country in the world and that's certainly not the case!

And I'd be happy to compromise on revolvers or other non- Semi automatic weapons. If that asshole on Monday had a revolver we wouldn't be talking about 33 dead. Not even close. Granted more than 1 (him) would have been too many.

In the end, there will always be crazy-ass fucks out there that do crazy-ass, fucking things. I just favor limiting the damage where we can and the first logical step, im my opinion, is taking away the ability to get off hundreds or rounds per minute.

12:17 PM  
Blogger B. said...

Agree. No regular citizen has any need to have a semi-automatic handgun.

Side note: I saw an interview with the gun shop owner on the news and I thought he said the killer bought the gun about 4 weeks ago.

My Dad's favorite thing to say about guns is (and he only owns hunting rifles, a .22 and some other animal killing guns, no automatics), "They can have my guns when they can pry them from my cold, dead hands." He's a Democratic NRA member....

3:49 PM  
Blogger hotwire said...

right on target with this one, and the Rock video was a nice cap to the whole thing. no wonder he is referred to as our generation's mark twain.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Kari Lee Townsend said...

I don't know what the solution is, I just know the world has become such a sad and scary place.

5:40 AM  
Blogger JT said...

I believe in the right to won a gun. I don't own one, but don't begrudge anyone who does. Just keep it away from children and crazy people.

Admittedly, our system is screwed up. I think it's ironic that you can't buy certian music CD's in Wal-mart, but you can buy a gun there. Huh? That's nuts.

Everyone talks about that we live in a free society. No we don't. Not really, and that is a good thing. There are laws, and they are there for a reason. Okay, so some of them are just plain stupid and some of them are too easily misread, misinterperted, whatever, but without laws, we'd be...well, let's just not go there.

Now, the fact that a guy who is suffering from a lot of issues could buy a gun...yeah, that is wrong. How do we handle that? We put more restaints on the rest of that. Well, I don't agree with that either. If I want to buy a gun, I will. I don't, because I worry about my kids. They are curious and well, accidents happen everyday, but something needs to be done.

My children were afraid to go to school because stupid people thought it would be funny to write stupid shit on the walls at school and send a stupid e-mail. My kids shouldn't be afraid to go to school.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Gina Thompson said...

If I, as a teacher, have to PAY to get my clearances renewed EVERY YEAR, and NOW finger-printed (as one the NRA members said in his opposition to it - "like a common criminal") to work with kids, than a person who wants to own a gun should go through more than just a couple of fucking background checks. That's ridiculous. We're the only country that has an overwhelming amount of mass killings like this. I've lived in other countries - they think we are fucking crazy. And they're right. Maybe once the gun-totting, NRA humping members have a couple of their family members killed - they'll think differently. But probably not.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Seriously, charging $5000 for bullets could end all of this...

7:30 PM  
Blogger March2theSea said...

update this damn site!!! hahaha

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh i have to say your shotgun idea sounds intresting, but still isnt that just a little extreme.

10:40 PM  

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