People I Can Do Without #14
I've decided I fucking HATE John Mayer.
Truthfully, this has been building in me for some time. However, while watching the Grammy Awards tonight, my hatred finally boiled over.
Is there a more over-rated, over-hyped, over-celebrated musician alive than this asshole?
I liked him a lot better the first time around when we called him "Dave Matthews." He sounds like Dave, plays like Dave and even makes stupid faces like Dave.
The big exception being.... He's no Dave.
Dave Matthews has more talent in his left twitching foot than this asshole has in his whole body. I mean, did you catch the Grammy Performance? That solo he played was something my friend Paul played in our 6th grade talent show. Paul of course didn't make all sorts of "pained" expressions while doing it. Why? Cause it wasn't that hard of a solo! Nothing this guy does is "hard" or even all that creative. Just recycled crap.
To have Stevie Wonder introduce him as one of the "great young songwriters" was a joke!
But that's the problem with living in the 'American Idol' America. These days we're just told who's great and we nod our heads like sheep.
Why wasn't Stevie introducing Ryan Adams?
Now there's a strung out looking guy with some actual talent!
And while I'm hating on John.....
How does a guy that looks like this......
Truthfully, this has been building in me for some time. However, while watching the Grammy Awards tonight, my hatred finally boiled over.
Is there a more over-rated, over-hyped, over-celebrated musician alive than this asshole?
I liked him a lot better the first time around when we called him "Dave Matthews." He sounds like Dave, plays like Dave and even makes stupid faces like Dave.
The big exception being.... He's no Dave.
Dave Matthews has more talent in his left twitching foot than this asshole has in his whole body. I mean, did you catch the Grammy Performance? That solo he played was something my friend Paul played in our 6th grade talent show. Paul of course didn't make all sorts of "pained" expressions while doing it. Why? Cause it wasn't that hard of a solo! Nothing this guy does is "hard" or even all that creative. Just recycled crap.
To have Stevie Wonder introduce him as one of the "great young songwriters" was a joke!
But that's the problem with living in the 'American Idol' America. These days we're just told who's great and we nod our heads like sheep.
Why wasn't Stevie introducing Ryan Adams?
Now there's a strung out looking guy with some actual talent!
And while I'm hating on John.....
How does a guy that looks like this......
Get this.....
I suppose the same way a schmuck like this....
Gets a girl like this.....
I like John Mayer. I don't care what you say. James Blunt.... now there's someone who sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
He makes me angry. I hate him so much. If I ever saw him I would kill him so hard he would die. Seriously. That's how much I hate him.
Watching him on the Grammy's was like someone stabbing me repeatedly with a pencil. My eyes were burning so I turned him off.
The only reason I like James Blunt over John Mayer is because he does humanitarian shit, and I'm a sucker for that. All JM does is chase after Jessica Simpson.
And I agree Annoyed, he's no Dave. I'm a huge DMB fan, and I don't think it's right to put JM in the same category.
BUT - my boyfriend is a musician too, and he makes those funny faces. Same with my brother, who is also a musician. So... maybe it's just a guitar playin, song singin thing?
i didn't watch it at all. I was curious about the Police though. Yeah I don't get Mayer at all.
Agreed. He is a douche bag, and he is not one of the greatest song writers of our time... I keep trying to figure out how exactly he gained fame, fortune, and his reputation as a "genius."
I blame the sheep.
Hilarious. I wanted to drive out to LA and punch him in the face last night while he was making those damn faces.
I must be the only dumb shit who has no idea who this dude is never even heard his music or anything....
I'm so lame......
Hi Annoyed,
The only reason I know about John Mayer is because I have a teenage children who listen to that crap. Well, actually I think one song of his I might like. I didn't watch the Grammy's because, well, I have now life.
And even though I'm a married (older) woman, I'd take you over the likes of that twirp any day! :)
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