Three Strikes and No Balls
I don't know if any of you caught this story the other day?
To summarize for you, judge, Edward Cashman(pictured above), of Vermont sentenced a man to four months in jail for admitting the rape of a six year old girl. A behavior this sick fuck continued, repeatedly, for 4 years!
That breaks down to one month per rape year!
I would suggest that this judge needs a swift kick in the balls but he clearly doesn't have any!
Meanwhile, in California we have people sentenced to 25 years for stealing cookies and slices of pizza.
There is something terribly wrong here people.
People will argue that child molesters need therapy and rehabilitation over jail time. I would argue that they need to be put to death.
End of story, thanks for stopping by the planet....
Let God figure it out!
If anyone would like to drop a dime to Judge Cashman and tell him your thoughts on this he can be reached at the following phone number:
Make sure to ask for: The "Honorable" Edward J. Cashman, Presiding Judge
Oddly, this sick behavior is quite normal in this country. Seems the US needs to take a step back and actually think about its values rather than spitting out that God bless America rhetoric.
Hey man, I check your blog every day... Where's the content!!???
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