Monday, January 30, 2006

Puppy Love

There's this sick subculture in the world that got me to thinking....

What would a child have to do for a parent to STOP loving it?

It seems to me that every time some sicko serial killer goes to trial the mother of the killer is interviewed by the media and they say "I still love him, not matter what"

No matter what?!

Jeffrey Dahmer's mother said that...

HEY LADY! Your son ate people dicks for dinner! What the fuck?

I came to think about all of this today while surfing the net. While looking for something unrelated I saw a post scream out!


Curious I let my eyes wander the rest of the title...The subtext read... "College girl fucks dog"

Now, I did not download this for many reasons...The main one being I have no interest in watching a girl fuck a dog.

Anyway, I started thinking if this was enough for someone to stop loving their child? I think it may be...

If I had a 19 year old daughter and my neighbor gave me a tape he downloaded off the internet of my daughter fucking a dog I think I would be done with her. That would be it...No more birthdays or holidays. Get out!

I'd disown her on the spot. Let the dog walk her down the aisle someday.

Outraged I called my friend and asked him his opinion. He told me that this is big on the internet and a lot of this type of pornography comes from Europe. I took his word on it as he is an authority on porn.

What is wrong with these people? The world is going to explode because of this type of shit. Even if you believe in God just a little bit you must realize when news of this reaches him/her there are going to be some serious natural disasters to deal with...

I know, I know...I attacked Pat Robertson for saying God caused suffering. But if Pat Robertson said "God caused and earthquake because a girl was sleeping with her dog" I'd have to buy that as true!

Anyway, you may be thinking "what are the signs of this behavior"

Well, first this may be a good clue to look for....

Also, the following may be clues:

If your daughter is caught drinking from the toilet

If your daughter is caught "Cruising the pound"

If your grandson is named "spot"

If this is her first trip to the beach...

If anyone else has any clues to look for I'll post them here.


Blogger March2theSea said...

the whole idea of "weird porn" is just too much. Who gets off on this stuff?!

7:18 AM  
Blogger Rusty said...

One time in college (don't a million unusual/sick stories start with that opener?!) one of the girls down the hall started screaming for all of us to come down to her room and see something on her computer. Lucky for us, since we all came running, it was a video of a girl screwing a, it was more like the other way around.

It was truly one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen, and SO gross. I would try to blot it from my mind, but it's kind of seared in there forever.

That said, I think it would take far worse than horse-fucking to make a mother stop loving her child...although seeing the video would have to creep the hell out of you.

4:20 PM  

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